Thursday 18 July 2019

Summer 2019

It's been a month since our year-end recital and I hope the students are enjoying their freedom to be outside as much as I am! (And also spending some quality time with their instruments on rainy or too-hot days.)

This summer I've been getting to know this new baby; a tenor ukulele. It's been refreshing, and challenging, for me to work on something new, and it gives me a new appreciation for my students who struggle with learning new concepts and techniques.

Image result for brown tenor aleho ukulele

I've heard back from all my students (and I'm so thankful that they've all decided to carry on with me for another year!) After going over my schedule for the fall, I'm excited to announce that I have room for 4 additional, 30 minute lessons, so if you or someone you know is looking for music instruction now is the time to save your spot. The rates are the same as last year and lessons will once again be conducted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

We'll be starting again during the second week of September. Until then, enjoy that glorious sunshine!   

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